Empty clothes rail

Empty clothes rail

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

London - our short return....

( written by Colin)

Well - after our adventures in Portugal we had a short return to London.. We got back on the 10th of May - The idea was to make sure that we were ready  - had packed efficiently - tied up any loose ends and say some final good-byes..  I have to admit - before we headed back - Kizzy and I both wished we were just headed straight to Canada  Coming back to London felt like it was going to be a bit difficult - extending the goodbyes more that they needed...  Having said that we also had high hopes that we might get to meet Baby Shep - my best friend Matt's baby who was due on the 15th... 

The reality was somewhat different and  apart from missing Baby Sheps arrival by a few days-  much better.

Kizzy got busy ( no rhyme intended..) with tying up loose ends with the charity she is involved with  and I went shopping, sorted out insurance and finances and hung out with my friends.
We spent lots of time with my brother - Rob and his lovely girlfriend Valeria (but strangely I kept forgetting my Camera when we went over there. so no pics of them....)  Love u guys...

So a week catching up with most of the people who  matter to us in London..  Sorry to those we did not manage to catch up with..

I caught up with my good friend Victor.  He was on a mission and we had several bottles of white wine in Covent Garden and wiled away a long afternoon..


  We hung out with Ceri and Matt.. A nice BBQ with them and some other friends and a lovely Caribbean Chicken.. Ceri makes the best Key lime Pie I have ever tasted !

Ceri and Kizzy

We hung out with Blanche , Gaz  and their kids - Charlie and Martha.. So cute...

Blance, Martha, Kizzy and Ceri
 We hung out with  Liam and Sadia.. 

Liam and Sadia

Dinner at Si Mangia

We had the opportunity to spend some time with Kizzy's Mum and brother..

and then we were off.. next stop Canada...

It was an emotional week. Having been away for a couple of months and then catching up with our friends  and family made us realise  even more how much we missed them all and how much a part of our lives they are.  We love you all.

and finally -  a great big welcome to the world from us to Alice Elin Shepherd !  Alice was born in the early hours of Saturday 21st May.  A huge congratulations to proud parents - Matt and Ceri.  We can't wait to meet her in person - but first we will have to make do with a dodgy Skype connection...

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