Empty clothes rail

Empty clothes rail

Sunday, 27 February 2011

No more work !!

Dear All,

Welcome to our first ever blog on this the first weekend since I stopped working. I still cannot believe that I am not going into work on Monday...... nor the Monday after that, nor the Monday after that, for more than a year...  I know I know - shut up already !  But man it is pretty crazy.  I didn't realise how much work defined me until I gave it up and now I am going to be defined by something else..  Exciting and scary all at the same time.  On Friday just gone I had my work leaving drinks. It was really great that so many people came to say goodbye and was much appreciated. Thanks all !

Ana finished work last Tuesday ( but kept working until thursday!)  That's dedication..  She will be posting on this blog too.

I see this blog as a kind of words and pictures memory book of the trip..  and a way to share the experience with all of you - our friends and family.

Love Colin

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